It is a storage for a list of rules. Each rule is a single ScriptableObject of CovertRule type.
CovertRule consists of two fields: Condition and Converter. It could be read as If Condition is true then convert input delta value with Converter.
Condition field has a Condition class type which is an abstract class with one method.
You can see that condition could be checked with any of the victim, damager and item or all of them at once.
Converter field has a ValueConverter class type which is also an abstract class with one method.
Health Rule Editor window was designed to simplify the process of editing single rule.
Here you can create a new one
Or duplicate selected CovertRule
Also, you could change Condition type by clicking Change button
And you could change Converter type by clicking Change button
To implement your own Conditions and Converters you should create corresponding Creator classes besides:
It is similar to EffectHandler creation.
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