ProtoTiles gives you possibility to jump in the world of turn-based games.
Almost every turn-based games use some kind of map and 2 main map types (Hexagon and Square) are supported by our tool.
3 simple steps will lead you up to your fist map
Release Notes
- 1.1.1
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.5
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.3
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- Added Spawner.Despawn method with delay
- Added new extension methods for List and Random classes
- Fixed MapEntity.LineCastNonAlloc logic
- Removed MapSettings.Create method
- Added 2D-support (XY, ZY axis)
- Added hexagonal pointy topped support
- Added asmdef for core map scripts
- Added asmdef for utils scripts
- Added prefix to Log output
- Added BinarySerializer helper class
- Added SerializableVector3 class
- Added VerticesInner to MapEntity (vertices shifted towards the tile center by a small amount)
- Added single method for MapSettings path creation
- Added helper class for asset operations (AssetDatabaseUtils)
- Changed CoroutineLauncher to DontDestroyable object
- Fixed Hex.HexCubeNearest invalid condition logic
- Updated code formatting
- Added dark theme support
- Added Log class that wraps Debug.Log
- Added ScriptablePath constants
- Changed Spawner.Spawn signature order
- Fixed EnumerableExtensions.ToColumn display
- Fixed bug with invalid window settings find logic
- Fixed bug with wrong editor ui display when not common ui scale is used
- Refactored Square.Area and Hex.Area methods
- Refactored MapEntity.LineCast method
- Added multi-edit ability for extended version of Monobehaviour and ScriptableObject classes
- Improved documentation (added Prefabs section and added important ExampleScript.cs note)
- Improved MapEntity.CreateCell method (Now it can draw inner part and border part independently)
- Changed distance methods' calculations from int values to float
- Fixed algorithm of finding positions of walkable border
- Added MapRules field to MapEntity class
- Fixed Discord invite link in the documentation
- Added map grid display at Play mode
- Added new utility scripts
- Fixed code style formatting
- Initial release