SuperTiles was born from a strong willing of its author to create a most helpful tool for building turn-based games. It won’t stay rigid and get many updates!
It has already included important Features:
✔️ Hexagonal and Square maps
✔️ 2D and 3D map support
✔️ A* path finding
✔️ Turns could have sequential unit type transitions or based on unit move range
✔️ Popular items (heal) and weapons (gun, grenade) are already done
✔️ Effects
✔️ Health Rules (converters of input damage/heal values)
SuperTiles is based on ProtoTiles, which is free and a good point to get acquainted with Red Bjorn asset structure and code style.
Release Note
- 1.4.6
- 1.4.5
- 1.4.4
- 1.4.3
- 1.4.2
- 1.4.1
- 1.4.0
- 1.3.1
- 1.3.0
- 1.2.2
- 1.2.1
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.0
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- Added new example level: Advance Wars (Square 3)
- Added resources logic to SquadController
- Added possibility to occupy one tile with several units
- Added possibility to focus on selected unit by clicking profile icon
- Added possibility to take control over unit during battle
- Added unit custom collider support
- Added unit sleep logic (how many turn unit can't make any action)
- Added unit action
- On unit become dead (Rebirth or Killer could take control over dead unit)
- On unit change controller (Model change color)
- Added new tag class - UnitTag and one predefine instance (Building)
- Added item description
- Added two new item TargetSelectors:
- SelfTargetSelector - owner selects himselft as a target
- OccupiedTileTargetSelector - owner selects units which are located in the same tile as owner unit
- Added two new item ActionHandlers:
- DamageFromUnitHealth - owner deals damage according its health value and receives damage accoding victims' health value
- UnitCreateOwnerTeam - owner creates unit according its team
- Added item available condition:
- Check if necessary resources is available
- Check for the presence of certain units in the owner's tile
- Check lack of other units in the owner's tile
- Added actions on battle start and on turn start
- Added new game logic layer:
- Added possibility to add custom item available conditions (AvailableCondition)
- Added possibility to add custom battle actions (IBattleAction)
- Added possibility to add custom unit actions (IUnitAction)
- Added possibility to add custom squad controller actions (ISquadControllerAction)
- Added battle number providers (IIntProvider, IFloatProvider)
- Added unit selector game logic (IUnitSelector) and unit filter logic (IUnitFilter)
- Added unit condition (IUnitCondition)
- Added squad controller selector (ISquadControllerSelector)
- Added resources UI (ResourceUI)
- Added custom editors for UnitData, ItemData, UnitSpawnPoint classes
- Fixed relationshop logic in case when owner's team is not set as an ally to itself
- Changed UnitSpawnPoint sorting order during initial unit creation
- Changed logic of unit selection
- Added new battle visual state - UnitSelectionState
- Units could be selected only in UnitSelectionState
- Refactored UnitHealthEntity logic
- Refactored CameraController MoveTo method logic
- Refactored Input logic (InputController methods and InputSettings key representation)
- Replaced turn start and turn finish actions from TurnPlayer to BattleEntity
- Removed obsolete INodeUnit interface
- Removed dead units from unit selector UI
- Updated ScriptableObject serialized values
- Added RelationshipTable (allies, enemies)
- Added new BattleFinish condition (OneAllyTeamLeft)
- Added TextSettings
- Added Unit team marker
- Added predefined TeamTags (from 3 to 10)
- Added Rect extensions
- Fixed existed TurnResolver logic
- Changed count of players (from 2 to 4) at Square 1 example map
- Replaced battle statuses from BattleSettings to TextSettings
- Added new tile tag NotItemAvailable
- Fixed NRE with spawnpoint center button
- Added new AI behavior (Universal)
- Added new item tags
- Added random selection of AI units during a turn
- Added new extension methods for List and Random classes
- Fixed bug with invalid tile selection by RangeTargetSelector logic
- Fixed bug when dead unit tried to perform action
- Fixed Exception at MoveRange TurnResolver
- Changed example levels gameplay balance
- Updated ProtoTiles version to 1.1.1
- Fixed StackOverflowException when Stop If Enemy Reachable mark is toggled at the Simple AI behavior
- Added random weapon power spread
- Added tag synonym to weapon and unit tooltips
- Added health change UI
- Added 2D-support (XY, ZY axis)
- Added 2D Example
- Added hexagonal pointy topped support
- Changed SortingOrder of HealthBar sprites
- Fixed missing BattleFinishHandler asset during level creation (LevelWindow, QuickStartWindow)
- Added item animation support
- Added loading from the selected level (Editor)
- Added BattleFinishHandler to check different finish conditions
- Added UI label when player or enemy turn begins
- Added UI label when battle finishes
- Added nickname to SquadControllerEntity
- Added turn timer logic
- Added option to hide health bar of dead unit
- Added prefix to Log output
- Added BinarySerializer helper class
- Added SerializableVector3 class
- Added AI id offset.
- Added Battle Pause/Unpause methods
- Added action null-checks to existed ActionRule types
- Added remove loading screen logic
- Added game creator and load types
- Added PlayerEntity reference to BaseAction
- Fixed the exception which occurs when RangeTargetViewSelector haven't got approporiate pre-spawned selectable tiles
- Fixed the bug when dead unit blocks movement
- Fixed autosave when incorrect battle state could be saved
- Renamed IAction -> BaseAction
- Refactored Battle debug text
- Refactored MapEntity.Area method
- Removed redundant BattleView states
- Added lightening for item available tiles
- Added customisation for tile lightening
- Added Save/Load/Delete savefile logic
- Added auto-save support
- Added delay before the game will start
- Added easy-upgrade item method (for items created in version below 1.2.0)
- Added in-game menu UI
- Added default creator for
- Level (ActionRules, TurnResolver)
- Item (ActionHandler, TargetSelector)
- Effect (EffectHandler)
- HealthRules (Condition, ValueConverter)
- Renamed:
- BattleEntity.CompletedItems -> BattleEntity.TurnItems
- BattleEntity.TimelineUnits -> BattleEntity.UnitsTimeline
- MapEntity.CreateCell -> MapEntity.TileCreate
- Replaced create game logic from LevelEntity to GameEntity
- Added Effect support
- Added HealthRule support
- Added ItemTag support
- Added Effect add/remove logic to all existed Item ActionHandlers
- Added new Level ActionRules types: HitAndRun, ActionPointsTwo
- Changed Example level (Level Hex 2):
- Added 2 new guns (Flamethrower, OilJar)
- Added 4 new effects (Bleeding, Oil, Slowness, Weakness)
- Added 1 health rule (if unit has Oil effect than item with Flame tag will make double damage)
- Fixed a bug with BulletView min speed logic
- Renamed ActionRules:
- CommomRules -> HitAfterRun
- NoMoveAfterItem -> ActionPointsCustom
- Renamed TurnSequence -> TimelineUnits-
- Fixed bug with wrong editor ui display when not common ui scale is used
- Initial release