Action which is executed every turn at the start of turn

SuperTiles 1.4.7 supports only three action type

1. Adding resources - add resources using formula: The amount of units that contain specific tag multiplied by the given value

Example: Add (3000 x Amount of Building units which is contolled by current player) money to the player

    • Add Resources - enables/disables action
    • Resource Count Unit - the amount of units that contain specific certain tag 
    • Resource Value - the value which would be multiplied by previous value

2. Healing unit which shares the tile with the specific ally unit

Example: All Base units heal 2 health points to ally units which share the owner's tile and their UnitData is not equal Base

    • Heal Ally In Tile - enables/disables action
    • Heal Ally in Tile Heal All Except - units which are NOT heal targets
    • Heal Ally In Tile Healer - units which are healers
    • Heal Ally In Team Amout - the amount of the heal

3. Self heal

Example: All Base units heal 2 health points to themselves when there is no any other unit in their tile

    • Heal Self - enables/disables action
    • Heal Self Target - what units should be self healed
    • Heal Self Blocker - what kind of units block self healing proccess if they occupy the same tile as the heal target unit
    • Heal Self Amount - the amount of the heal power

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