The key point of current turn-based game implementation is LevelData class. Level Editor window is designed for convenient editing of exactly this class.

It contains information about:

What Caption will be displayed and what Scene should be loaded?

Buttons for loading appropriate scene and opening Map Editor window

What kind of Turn Resolver is used and button to change the type

Which Action rules should unit conduct during its turn?

Custom Battle actions: On Battle Start or On Turn Start (On Turn Finish is under development)

What conditions should be used to check Battle Finish?

Health Rules which are checked on every health change action

Which team is controlled by Player or by AI?

Start position and rotation for Camera gameobject. Prefab which contains Camera component (if none default prefab will be used)

Relationship between teams (allies, enemies)

Should the battle start immediately after loading the scene?

Should effects be stacked by duration increase?

Should team unit markers be enabled? (Works when Marker Ally and Marker Enemy is added)

There is a list of all LevelData assets which could be loaded through Menu scene. Such a list is located inside the LevelSettings asset. 

LevelSettings will be used by Menu scene to create load level buttons

Изображение выглядит как текст????Автоматически созданное описание

Default rule which defines tiles that can be selected by items = all tiles which don’t contain NotItemAvailable tag

In versions prior to 1.4.3, this rule was hardcoded and instead of using  its own tile tag it relied on the Vacant property of tile. In the picture below we could see that in older versions item couldn’t not be applied through NotMovable tile (Water), but in newer versions it could, because it is not marked as NotItemAvailable

In the next picture we see the difference in the tile preset tag list which allow us to  achieve item ban and move ban of the tile (Forest) in different versions


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