Item in SuperTiles consist of three main components: ItemData, ItemEntity and ItemAction.

ItemData is an informational storage with default values like Maximum Cast Range or Power. Besides Stats information, ItemData contains visual data (Caption, Icon, Color, and Selector material) and rules:

  • Tags – item markers for gameplay logic (Health Rules)
  • Selector field – the logic of creating ItemAction
  • ActionHandler field– the way ItemAction should be played

ItemData consists of nested ScriptableObjects and the Item Editor window was designed to simplify the edit process.

Here you can duplicate selected Item 

Or create a new one from common templates: Melee, Range and Direction

Or you can create an item in manual manner by clicking Custom field and specifying Selector and ActionHandler types

If you need to change Selector type of existed ItemData you should do steps shown in the picture below

Also, if you need to change ActionHandler type you should do steps shown on the picture below 

ItemEntity is a wrapper for an ItemData and handles the data and also contains the item state:

  • CurrentCooldown
  • CurrentStackCount
  • Was it used or not?
  • Etc.

Изображение выглядит как текст????Автоматически созданное описание

ItemAction is the result of the ItemData -> Selector work. It is easy to read ItemAction as

Unit uses Item at the Position.

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